Thursday, February 01, 2007

Right here he is. The World's Cutest Weenie Dog - all curled up like a little butterbean, in his favorite spot on the couch.


unknown said...

Looks so innocent, you almost don't remember the stories of evil terror...

Lisa King said...

Yes, those stories of the piss rants, and revenge for not being the center of the universe.

unknown said...

Don't feel too bad. My brother was sad he couldn't take the cat and said he didn't realize how aggressive the weenie dogs were. I think maybe instead of the earth floating on the back of a turtle, perhaps we're just orbiting around a flaming weenie?

Lisa King said...

Hmmmm...interesting concept my dear. You could be onto something! My weenie dog does not like cats either.

unknown said...

Okay I could go further with this theory, but I don't want to post anything offensive on your blog, Perl. ;)

Lisa King said...

Bless you my chile.