THE PAINTER'S GUARDIAN & YAY! I GET TO CONTINUE SCHOOL!Over the summmer, I've been a bit bummed. I have run short of money to put toward any more school, and I really wanted to continue my education toward an MFA. This desire has been fueled at the urging of my instructors, who believe I would make a good art teacher. One in particular has been very influential and helpful in pushing me in that direction. Getting money for more school has been the big question.
I finally decided on a path to take and applied to the school I really felt was the right place to go. I was accepted, but had to be accepted by the art department as well. Fortunately, my portfolio was looked upon with favor, and I also was accepted to the art program. With that tackled, the art professor appointed as my adviser told me that he understood my money dilemma and offered me an application for their art department scholarship. He also directed me to the school's financial aid office for help. I made an appointment.
I went to my financial aid appointment with much skepticism, muttering to myself as I trudged up the hill to their offices in the sweltering Mississippi humidity "This is going to be a total waste of time." Fortunately, I'm never right when I have such negativity going into things. The counselor there was helpful and told me that since I have a high GPA, I am eligible for some scholarship money. Enough that I should not turn it down, and hopefully I will be able to swing supplementing the rest; that being due to a certain guardian angel represented by the collage below.
I'm thankful, and excited I'll get to continue my art education, majoring in Fine Art (painting) and minoring in Communications. It's going to be tough, but I really want this badly. I've managed to scratch up the cash for the fall semester, and part of spring. Let's try dis ting.
The Painter's Guardian