Friday, February 12, 2010

My first project for photography class is light and shadow. These are the photos that my teacher hand picked from my first contact sheets. The first one, Von Seutter's Gate, is the gate to a plot at the cemetery in Raymond, Mississippi where a man and his wife are buried together. In the 1800's she had died, and he was overcome with grief, killing himself soon after. He was a jeweler, photographer and clock merchant. I do not know if he made the clocks himself, but I happen to own a beautiful Art Noveau clock that came from his shop. The second one is just a photo of common tools in our shed out back.

The rules of this class are:

Only 35mm cameras
Cameras must be set on manual
Only 100 speed black and white film allowed
It is an ART class (NO SNAPSHOTS)
Only outdoor photos
No flash
Students will develop their own film and make prints using traditional darkroom methods
Have fun

Von Seutter's Gate

In The Shed


Eugenia Wadsworth Martin said...

The shed tools is my fav. How are you liking the class?
You can enter one in the upcoming show. Miss ya

Lisa King said...

Hey! Thanks!
This is one the teacher liked a lot too. I was thinking of entering a photo in the VAA spring show since they have that money award. I'm sure I won't win, but you never know what they are looking for. My painting is in a slump and I don't have much to enter in that arena, unless I do something nice between now and then. I have a mixed media piece to enter. I might do the angel thing, since I have a good angel photo. But we'll see as time approaches.

Ms. A. has been out from school last week and this week. She had to have an emergency appendectomy. We really miss her.

Miss you too.