This photo here is a tiny place in the world. It's where I got the idea for my blog name. This little place is in my backyard. It's a chipmunk's hole. The hole has a convenient little exit outside our fence adjacent to the chipmunk's little domain. It's quite homey looking with a little sweetgum tree that is growing over the top of it. I should landscape it! I just had this thought. I'll do that and take another photo and post. Heehee!
I figure there are a few of them that use this little tunnel. I see one or more of them from time to time, especially on sunny days. You don't see a lot of chipmunks in Mississippi, but they are natives. I'm just really, really lucky to have these little critters hanging at my place and calling it home. They are so fun to watch and way cute.
They are fast as lightning too. If you say to someone, "Hey, there goes the chipmunk" by the time you get the words out of your mouth, the critter is long gone. If I could pin down a way to distinguish how many there are and which is which, I'd give them all names. But for now, I just call them all "Ringo."