This piece is 9 X 12. It is Nupastels, Rembrandt pastels and some charcoal on Strathmore paper. I was assigned a landscape for homework in my pastel painting class. We were supposed to use a photo we had taken or that we had a personal connection to. I did not really have much to choose from in the way of landscapes that particularly excited me. So I picked this photo of a neighborhood doggie that used to join my daughter and me on walks. My daughter, Skye, had snapped a photo of her one day. It's close enough to a landscape to suit me. I mean look at that, there's a big sky and a leafy, grassy area. Viola! Landscape! There just happens to be a giant pug face in the foreground. Darnit, I find most landscapes to be so boring. I had already attempted two others and was stuck until I decided to do this, and finally was able to finish something. I'm telling you, I was on the verge of tears because I thought I was never going to get my blankety-blank homework done. I was feeling like I absolutely had been drained of every drop of talent I ever had. I've been in a rut all weekend. Thank goodness I finally finished something!