PLANET X SERIES: CYCLOPSAnother 5X7 ink and colored pencil on scrap mat board. I doodled the ink part of this one during a long wait at the MEA getting my daughter checked out for pink eye and sinus crud, so I was able to figure out it takes about three hours to doodle one of these out. I'm not sure how long it took to do the colored pencil part, I did not keep track of that, but it was quite a while.
In the end, my daughter said the result was creepy and my spouse said he wonders what direction my art has taken lately. Can't I just have some fun dammit? I'm not trying to win a prize here. I have these crazy little ideas. So humor me. I humor filthy rooms, pet mouse jail breaks, grumpiness, and weak-ass coffee. So I'd say I'm due!